
Event details

  • Sanctuary
  • February 16, 2020
  • Sun 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM

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Stewards and Elders Recognition

Rideau Park United Church, Alta Vista Drive Ottawa ON

Sun 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM
February 16, 2020


Stewards and Elders Recognition

Rideau Park United Church, Alta Vista Drive Ottawa ON

Sun 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM
February 16, 2020


As part of the 10:00 a.m. Sunday service on February 16, we will recognize and thank our current and past Stewards and Elders, who served as Session and Stewards faithfully since the beginning of Rideau Park United Church. In our new governance model, the work of Session and Stewards will be done in other ways.