For additional information about the United Church Women (UCW) at Rideau Park United Church, contact the UCW at To view the UCW Newsletters, click here.

The UCW wishes to express our sincere and grateful thanks to the congregation and our friends who have supported and continue to support our endeavours over the years.

As UCW members, we offer many gifts of love and service, both at Rideau Park and in our community – we organize Nearly New Sales, Valentine’s Parties, Book Sales, Garage Sales, Ice Cream sales and host affordable Community Building events. Funds raised during the year are distributed at year end to local charities, UCC Mission & Service Fund, and Rideau Park initiatives. We also support special church projects. Each year we begin anew, refreshed, and re-energized. To donate to one of our projects, see below on “How to Donate to the UCW”.

We have three small Units (2, 3 and 7). We do not meet during Lent, or July and August.

Unit 2 meets on an ad hoc basis, sometimes at church and sometimes at a member’s home. Contact Mabel Bannerman or Judy Paré at

Unit 3 meets on the 2nd Tuesday of each month, at 7pm, at the church. Contact Nancy Begg-Durkee at

Unit 7 meets on the 2nd Tuesday of each month, at 1:30pm at the church. Contact Sandra Weedmark at

E-Buddies – When regular meetings just don’t fit your or your family’s schedule, this is a group of women who wish to help according to their available time and talents. We keep you informed of happenings via our UCW Newsletter.

We all gather in June and December with refreshments or a meal. Our June meetings usually have a presentation of social or community interest or travelogues. Our December meeting includes a candlelight service and we finalize decisions as to where the funds raised are directed.

Weekly Group Activities: There is knitting on Monday afternoons and quilting on Thursday mornings – everyone is welcome to join one of these group activities. Contact Doreen Hamilton at

The UCW also collects a few items – used stamps, eyeglasses, and pop can tabs. We ensure these items are recycled to various charities. Knitted items such as toques, mitts, scarves, and neck warmers are gratefully received. Contact Peggy Rader at for details.

We are a Community of Women of Faith
We welcome you into our community!

UCW Benediction

The grace of Christ attend us,
The love of God surround us,
The Holy Spirit keep us,
Now and forever more.

Want information or to receive the UCW Newsletter? Email us at or contact one of members listed previously.
Our annual Christmas Bazaar is held on the first Saturday of November, 1pm-4pm.

The UCW is an organization within the United Church of Canada. Rideau Park United Church Women is one of three other groups in Area 7 which, with six other areas, form the Ottawa Area UCW (74 groups). We are part of region 12, Eastern Ontario and Outaouais Region (EOOR). The region is one of 16 included in the national UCW.

For complete information on the organization and role of the United Church Women in the United Church, please go to the United Church of Canada website ( or United Church Women – Eastern Ontario Outaouais Regional Council. ( There you will also find the Vision, the Mission, and the Purpose of the United Church Women.

For information about the United Church Women (UCW) at Rideau Park United Church, contact:

How to DONATE to the UCW

* By e-mail transfer through online banking – send your e-transfer to “”,
which is registered for “auto-deposit”. In the Message section please indicate the donation details.

* By cheque made payable to “Rideau Park UCW”. In the Memo line, please indicate the donation details. Mail to: Rideau Park United Church, Attn: UCW Treasurer, 2203 Alta Vista Drive, Ottawa, ON K1H 7L9.

All donations are issued a year-end receipt from the UCW in addition to any Rideau Park United Church donations.

Thank you for continuing to support and participate in the ongoing UCW fundraising activities.