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Sunday Worship Service/Christmas Pageant (in Sanctuary and Webcast)
Sanctuary and Webcast
Sun 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM
December 12, 2021
Sunday Worship Service/Christmas Pageant (in Sanctuary and Webcast)
Sanctuary and Webcast
Sun 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM
December 12, 2021
Sunday, December 12 service is the annual Christmas pageant, featuring children and youth from Kitchissippi and Rideau Park United Churches. The service has been pre-recorded, but the sanctuary will be open for viewing in-person. To attend in person, click on the Register link above.
Proof of full COVID-19 vaccination is required to attend events at the church (Sunday worship services, funerals and weddings), except for those who are not eligible to be vaccinated (children under 12, or for health reasons). All our other Covid Protocols are still in effect, so distancing, masks indoors and reservations still apply.
We will welcome up to 75 people in the Sanctuary for worship. Each week you must register for the worship service you would like to attend in person by clicking on the “Register” button above. Please register by 3pm on the Saturday before the service.
- Limit of 50 people in the pews (distanced within household bubbles) plus ministers, musicians, webcasters and ushers.
- Enter by the Sanctuary door on Alta Vista (ushers will seat you starting at the front of the church and you must remain in your bubble in your assigned seats). When you enter the church, your name will be verified on the reservation list and you will be asked standard COVID-19 screening questions.
- At the end of the service, remain in your pew until the ushers direct you to exit by the door next to Georgina’s office on Cunningham.
- NO singing by the congregation at this time (Ottawa Public Health rules prohibit it at the moment). Singing by musicians only with the appropriate mask/shield in place.
- Masking is still mandatory while in the church and you must sanitize your hands upon entering the church.
- Registration should preferably be done via the website (to minimize registration at the door) and, if not pre-registered, sign up at the door for COVID-19 tracing purposes.
- There will be no Sunday School or childcare in the church. Your child must remain with you at all times. There are no toys or books available but you may bring your own toys.
- Sunday service will be contactless. There will be no bulletins or papers and hymn books and Bibles have been removed from the pews.
- There will be no coffee or fellowship time before or after the service. Socializing may occur outside the building while maintaining social distancing.
- There will be offering baskets at the entrance and exit from the Sanctuary. The offering will be sealed and counted after 7 days.
- The only bathroom available is located outside Georgina’s office. There will be wipes to use to wipe down the surfaces for the next occupant.
All are welcome. The sanctuary is wheelchair-accessible.