The leadership, decision-making and work of the congregation begins with two congregational meetings annually. The fall congregational meeting is held, if needed, either for learning or consultation with the congregation. The February congregational meeting is held every year, receives annual reports for the past year and sets the goals and budgets for the year ahead.

Council carries out the business of the congregation between congregational meetings. It offers leadership in long-range planning, and oversight of the work of the congregation and staff.

Trustees hold and administer the property of Rideau Park United Church, on behalf of the United Church of Canada and in accordance with the provisions of the United Church Manual. At Rideau Park they also manage the investments of the congregation.

Council’s Standing Committees are:

  • Ministry and Personnel is the liaison between the congregation and the staff at Rideau Park United.
  • Stewardship encourages the congregation to participate in the mission and ministry of Rideau Park United Church through gifts of time and talents, spiritual and financial resources.
  • United Church Women (UCW) unites and organizes women of the congregation for the total mission of the Church.

Three liaisons report to Council on behalf of the remaining committees. Committees count on volunteers to carry out the work of the church. Volunteering increases self-confidence. You are doing good for others and the community, which provides a natural sense of accomplishment. Your role as a volunteer can also give you a sense of pride and identity. The more you give, the happier you feel. For a list of the committees and contact info, click here.

To find out more, click on the following links to the new Governance Structure, Organizational Chart, Committees and Terms of Reference.