Rideau Park United Church Community
Life in our Rideau Park faith community has many possibilities. There are diverse ways to deepen our spirituality, express our faith and share our talents and resources with the world around us.
At its congregational meeting in February 2019, the Rideau Park congregation approved a new vision statement for the congregation, which is found on the home page of this website. This statement marks a transition for the congregation: we are shifting our attention from what we do to who we want to be…a vibrant faith community, inclusive and responsive to the changing needs of our congregation and the world around us. In May 2019, we voted to become an Affirming Ministry, as it is understood in the United Church of Canada.
We offer many different opportunities for finding community and for spiritual growth:
- worship that offers beautiful music, spiritual comfort and provocative questions;
- education and faith formation for all ages and interests, including Sunday School and childcare, family suppers and seniors’ activities; and
- opportunities for volunteer service at Rideau Park and in the community around us.
The community gathers for worship on Sunday mornings at 10:00 am. We also have opportunity for meditation in a dedicated space, labyrinth walks and, in Advent and Lent, Encarna, a multimedia space with prayer stations and a focus on creativity.
Each week, we webcast our Sunday morning worship services, as well as concerts and memorial services. Click “Watch Live” on the rideaupark.ca home page starting about 10 minutes before the service or concert. There is also an archive of past services (Webcast Archives) that is accessible from the top banner on the home page.
Rideau Park is also known for its Handbells and Chimes Choirs, our Christmas Pageants and Christmas Cheer, a seasonal outreach program.
We have a wonderful group of volunteers who make up our Prayer Chain. They give of their time and prayers for any and all who may need them, and uphold our congregation and the wider church in their prayers.
Healing Pathway is a United Church ministry of prayer for healing that is practised in six Ottawa congregations, including Rideau Park. Healing Pathway sessions are available by appointment at Rideau Park on Thursday afternoons, one Sunday evening a month, and healing prayer is also offered in the chapel after most Sunday morning services.
We have a Pastoral Care Committee that oversees an active visitation program for those in our community who are no longer able to attend church.
The Social Action and Outreach committee explores social justice issues and supports community partners such as the Heron Emergency Food Centre, three Community Houses (Blair Court, Banff and Russell Heights), the Multi-faith Housing Initiative, and the South-East Ottawa Community Health Centre. Refugee work at Rideau Park dates back to helping the Boat People in the 1970s to present day refugees from Syria and Somalia.
We are strong supporters of the Mission and Service Fund, which is the face of the United Church of Canada nationally and around the world. Our contributions finance diverse ministries and missions across Canada and overseas.
Often the best way to get to know a congregation is through the groups that gather there. Programs at Rideau Park include:
- The Harmony Club for seniors, which meets monthly and offers an interesting program, including guest speakers and a shared meal at noon hour;
- A large and popular Euchre Club open to all, which meets Thursday afternoons;
- HearSay on Thursday evenings, which is a shared meal open to everyone, but particularly families participating in the children’s music programs;
- Our United Church Women’s group, which consists of five Units that meet for fellowship and mission. Each year, UCW members organize our spring and fall Nearly New Sale and Book Sale, and our Christmas Treasures Bazaar (the first Saturday in November);
- Our enthusiastic groups for Quilting on Thursday mornings and Knitting on Monday afternoons, which all are welcome to join;
- Music is a vital part of life at Rideau Park. Each year, musicians of all ages give generously of their time and talents, with children and youth choirs, our bells and chimes groups, and our Chancel Choir.
If you want to learn more about specific programs at Rideau Park, contact the church office at 613-733-3156 or there are dedicated pamphlets for pick up with any information you may need.