
Event details

  • Sanctuary and Webcast
  • January 19, 2025
  • Sun 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM

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MLKJ Sunday Worship Service (in Sanctuary and Webcast)

Sanctuary and Webcast

Sun 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM
January 19, 2025


MLKJ Sunday Worship Service (in Sanctuary and Webcast)

Sanctuary and Webcast

Sun 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM
January 19, 2025


Rideau Park United Church

The Sunday worship services are held in the Sanctuary at 10am but are also webcast. To watch it live, click here. You can also watch previous services by clicking on Webcast Archives on the top yellow banner.

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day is celebrated on Monday, January 20.   It is an opportunity to reflect on the ongoing struggle for civil rights, equality, and justice.  Rev. King, Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech was a call for equality. It identified faults and measures that would be needed to make the world a better place. A central theme was the importance of everyone being treated equally and that in order to eradiate poverty people needed a guaranteed reasonable income. To watch Rev. King, Jr.’s speech, please go

Our guest speaker will be Rev. Dr. Anthony Bailey. Originally from Barbados, Anthony grew up in Montreal. He has academic degrees in social work, theology, philosophy of religion and ethics and culture. He has taught at McGill University in Montreal, and at the theological college of the University of the West Indies in Kingston, Jamaica. Anthony served for six years as overseas personnel to Jamaica, with the United Church of Canada’s Division of World Outreach, before serving Parkdale United Church in Ottawa. Anthony will be joined by Mezzo Soprano, Terri-Ann Wint-Scarpa de Masellis.

All are welcome.  The sanctuary is wheelchair-accessible.